Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sympathetic Pregnancy

I think it's common for any pregnancy that the focus is always on the mother. Naturally, it is the woman who is feeling nausea, tummy getting bigger, backaches, sleeplessness, and ultimately, the child bearing process. This tends to somewhat diminish the focus on the husband who *may* undergo similar symptoms as the wife. This is know as sympathetic pregnancy and is a known medical condition. Some places that you can find references on it are:

Why am I talking about all these? Obviously to relate my own experiences! I know it sounds really weird but in Selene's first trimester, I experienced tiredness as Selene has always described! The weird thing is that whenever she complains of the symptoms, I feel the same symptoms too. Thankfully no such thing as nausea for me! And now in the second trimester, funnily I feel my tummy also getting bigger (though not a excuse for not watching my diet and exercise...). And the worse thing is that BMI is coming! Sigh. Well, all these may sound crap but that's what I have felt so far. Let's see how this goes...

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