Saturday, April 5, 2008

Getting ready...

Many of my frens are already using blogs to document the journey of their new found parenthood. It always amazes me how anybody can ever find time to be updating blogs! The amount of work to setup the site is phenomenal. Firstly, got to decide on a name for the blog, then after that need to find the templates that we like. Then got to find the widgets and counters to install. Not to mention all the scanning and photo uploading that is to come!

And then there is the part about getting to use the interface. Even this post itself is "unintentional". Accidentally created an empty post while toying around with the interface to find a nice template and poop! An empty post. Can't even find an option to delete it! So what the heck, here's comes my rant... (heh)

So happen that since I'm overseas and it's a weekend, really bored and nothing to do in the hotel room (it's an honour to be reading a post from yours truly since I probably never found time to be blogging!). Really doing a lot of reading up now on choice of baby names, whether to have ang mo name or not, what kind of pre-natal classes, how is the development of my little astronaut, etc. etc. Guess it's also good that I actually found time to be surfing net for something "serious", since Selene is always nagging that I spend too much time in front of the computer!

Ok, guess this site will be updated in due times with more photos (come to think of it, we have not even taken any photos since we knew that Selene was pregnant!) and scans of the ultrasound of the little one. Updates are akan datang!

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