I have read so much on the Internet about mothers being able to feel their babies kicking since Week 16, and my colleague share about her being able to feel hers since Week 15 or so! So I was really getting a little impatient about feeling that "flutter". So much so that on many occasions, I was guilty of "poking" my stomach intentionally, just to see whether that will stimulate little astronaut to move *evil grin* But of course, nothing I did seem to stir him from his sleep, and in fact, I think Papa Gee was upset about me trying to disturb his precious son!
Finally, 3 days ago, on last Monday, I thought I felt more than the usual rumble in my stomach, and in fact, it was something like a kick from inside my tummy. When I placed my hand gently near the area, I could physically feel a section of my tummy moving. I got very excited, and asked Papa Gee to try placing his hands too. Although I know many said that it's not possible for the Father to feel the baby till much later in the pregnancy, but I just wanted him to confirm that that was a kick, rather than my gassy stomach again. In fact, I think I have not been in such a confused state for such a long time! Wondering about every movement whether it's pure flatulence, stomach hungry or baby moving! ;)
And anyway, finally, when Papa Gee placed his hands on my tummy and concentrating for a while, he suddenly exclaimed that he felt it too! So yes, our first touch with our little one and another step closer to bonding with him.
Actually, many thoughts went through my mind during that moment. 1) The reality of the whole pregnancy -> that there is something living actually growing right inside of me 2) Added responsibility of being a good mother, taking care of myself as well as him while he is in side me 3) Whether the whole pregnancy will be smooth sailing 4) Wondering about the whole labour process (mainly the pain portion) 5) And finally, whether I will be a good mother after the birth
And during this period, I am really thankful for Papa Gee being around me, because he has provided me with tremendous support, both physically (through all the massages I make him give me every night) and mentally (when I torture him with my fav questions "Is my tummy too small" "tummy too big" etc And I really feel so blessed with the 2 of them with me and I hope i can continue to stay positive throughout this whole pregnancy and worry less everyday. Because I definitely want little astronaut to come out a happy and healthy baby, rather than a frowning one!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Butterflies in my stomach.. or are they...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Sympathetic Pregnancy
I think it's common for any pregnancy that the focus is always on the mother. Naturally, it is the woman who is feeling nausea, tummy getting bigger, backaches, sleeplessness, and ultimately, the child bearing process. This tends to somewhat diminish the focus on the husband who *may* undergo similar symptoms as the wife. This is know as sympathetic pregnancy and is a known medical condition. Some places that you can find references on it are:
Why am I talking about all these? Obviously to relate my own experiences! I know it sounds really weird but in Selene's first trimester, I experienced tiredness as Selene has always described! The weird thing is that whenever she complains of the symptoms, I feel the same symptoms too. Thankfully no such thing as nausea for me! And now in the second trimester, funnily I feel my tummy also getting bigger (though not a excuse for not watching my diet and exercise...). And the worse thing is that BMI is coming! Sigh. Well, all these may sound crap but that's what I have felt so far. Let's see how this goes...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Ouch....that hurts!
Goodness, went for my manicure n pedicure session today, something that I have not done in a long long while... and mind, was that a torture session or what?!?! ;(
As my little bump grows bigger, it becomes increasingly difficult to cut my toe nails, and I thought it will be a good idea to pamper myself with a pedicure. Whilst sitting on the chair waiting for my hands and feet to be prep for the session, somehow, I started to get really bad water retention in my legs.. and in fact, I noticed that I have been getting that quite a lot these few days! And then came the painful part. My pedicurist told me that my toes and feet have "expanded" quite a bit due to the water retention, which explains for the 3 ingrown nail I got on each foot *sob* And when I took a look at my toes, feet and leg, somehow it really looks HUGE.. and was I embarassed. But I have been drinking quite a lot of water these days, and cutting down on salt, how is it still possible for me to get water retention!?!??! ;(
Anyway, she comforted me and told me that it's part of the pregnancy,and persuaded me to sign up for a pre-natal pedicure, which promises using some wraps and massage to sooth away the problem spots. And I did. Read on the Internet that the problm can be so bad that you might have to change shoe sizes.. and realised that my toes have been stained by the colour on the inside of my shoes -> and it's prob becoz the shoes are becoming too tight for me. Really hope that my water retention problems will go away... coz it can be really painful... *Sob*
But well..meanwhile, will try and take whatever precautions I can...and the only good thing that came out of all these.. it's time to update my shoe warddrobe with new shoes I guess! :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A pleasant surprise...
Went to see a doctor in the late morning from work, and was on MC the rest of the day. What was supposed to be an uneventful and boring afternoon for me, turned out to be quite a surprise, as I received a present .. to be precise.. 2 presents from my dearest hubby! (I think I was sleeping when the delivery man knocked on the door, so when he called me on my mobile and when I asked him what it was about, he answered irritably (in chinese) "Just tell me whether you are at home and open the door!" Gosh.. I would have given it to him if not for almost melting at seeing the presents! (the cute doggy and my favourite lilies!) I have always pestered Mr Ng for a Golden Retriever, so I reckon he tried to get me a "look alike" to keep me company while he is away!
Oops.. I just realised Gregory (that is supposed to be his name, from the Invoice that came with the presents ;) ) is dropping fur! Eeks. talk about premature "fur loss". lol. In case you can't see it, I placed it on the black card so it is more obvious, since my sofa is about the same colour as his fur. I am not too sure I can hold him to sleep since I am allergic to dropping fur, but I am definitely going to try and bring him into bed tonight!And finally, a photo of my 17 + week tummy! Will try and do a weekly shot if possible, just to track the "growth". Actually I am quite proud of myself, since I managed to arrange the camera in such a way that I could take this shot (though not very well taken la). But for a person that hardly likes to touch the camera, I think I deserve an applause!
Dear, a shot of your "little astronaut" (you need to use more of your imagination), and we are counting down to you coming home!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Kimchi minestrone soup for the soul. Happy 14th Anniversary!
Just as the title of this post says.. I just managed to whip myself a bowl of kimchi minestrone soup. Salvaged whatever leftover vegetables we had in the fridge, a piece of tofu, macaroni, and of course kimchi and here I am sipping my hot bowl of soup while posting this. Surprisingly, this FUSION tastes quite good! At least it made me feel better.... drinking something warm... and I think I need all that extra fibre! Finally I appreciate stocking up the fridge with food.. which means I still get to eat something without getting out of the house! Looks like I am on my way to creating some Soup Spoon recipes!
And in fact, I think my sore throat feels slightly better! (might be psychological, since the soup is rather spicy, kinda numbed my throat.. hee) I was intending to go do some shopping after work today, but somehow, my "auto gear' just drove myself back home without much thought. I was just really tired. Was talking to my colleague today (Same EDD as I) and she shared that she was experiencing bad backache too, which caused her to be restless at night. But well, she has her husband to take care of her back...heh.. and I will just need to wait for mine to come back and rub mine! ;)
Actually today marks our 14th year Anniversary, and I think this is the second time we are unable to spend it together. Well, looks like I will just have to spend it with our little astronaut tonight and share with him all that he has missed out these 14 years. Dear, I hope our little boy will grow up to be as suave and smart as you ;) , and that he will fall in love with someone sweet and sensitive like me ok? *thick skinned*
Happy Anniversary Dear!
Falling sick...
My first blog entry and to think it's about me falling sick! ;( Woke up this morning with a nasty headache and a sore throat -> which prob means the full set will come later, ie cough, cold etc. I wonder whether it's because I haven't been resting well the past week, or because someone spread it to me.. since my roommate in office is sick as well. Got to try not to fall REALLY sick since there is no one to take care of me during this period.
I never realised that sleeping with a growing tummy can be so difficult! Get a terrible backache when I try and sleep on my back, and neither sides seem easy to fall asleep as well. That's why I end up tossing and turning the whole night. Wonder whether my little astronaut is irritated with me because of all the moving! Or maybe he feels I am rocking him to sleep?? ;)
Been feeling a bit moody and emotional these few nights too... maybe it's because the house is too quiet.. and I get this feeling that I am all alone....been having silly thoughts too....hope all these will pass soon.... it's been only 8 days since Mr Ng went away, and it will be 13 days more before he gets back... farnie.. I always thought I was a pretty independent person.. and it's only now that I realise I depend quite a lot..at least emotionally on him. ;(
We were also planning to do a short trip after he comes back, but seems like the whole world is travelling too, and it's been difficult getting air tickets! Feeling a little disappointed that all the research seems to have gone to waste.. but well.. I think we will try and work out something, hopefully!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Getting ready...
Many of my frens are already using blogs to document the journey of their new found parenthood. It always amazes me how anybody can ever find time to be updating blogs! The amount of work to setup the site is phenomenal. Firstly, got to decide on a name for the blog, then after that need to find the templates that we like. Then got to find the widgets and counters to install. Not to mention all the scanning and photo uploading that is to come!
And then there is the part about getting to use the interface. Even this post itself is "unintentional". Accidentally created an empty post while toying around with the interface to find a nice template and poop! An empty post. Can't even find an option to delete it! So what the heck, here's comes my rant... (heh)
So happen that since I'm overseas and it's a weekend, really bored and nothing to do in the hotel room (it's an honour to be reading a post from yours truly since I probably never found time to be blogging!). Really doing a lot of reading up now on choice of baby names, whether to have ang mo name or not, what kind of pre-natal classes, how is the development of my little astronaut, etc. etc. Guess it's also good that I actually found time to be surfing net for something "serious", since Selene is always nagging that I spend too much time in front of the computer!
Ok, guess this site will be updated in due times with more photos (come to think of it, we have not even taken any photos since we knew that Selene was pregnant!) and scans of the ultrasound of the little one. Updates are akan datang!