Monday, September 1, 2008

The countdown... 10 more days!!!

These last few weeks have been full of apprehension as we await the birth of our little astronaut. Many times symptoms such as contractions, back pains, movement by the baby, etc. as signalling the arrival of the little prince.

Today we had our CTG done, now being on the 38th week. Selene was kind of disappointed that there was absolutely no contractions, nada, zip, kosong, zero. I think she is kind of sick over the pregnancy and can't wait for the baby to be born! I would think that that's actually when the nightmare begins.... heheh...

Also, the prep for the baby now I think is more or less ok liao, here goes the checklist:

Baby cot - checked

Baby secure sleeper (for cosleeping) - checked

Baby pram - not checked, mass order for the MacClaren XLR failed

Car seat - checked, got a good deal at the recent baby fair in Taka

Steam steriliser - checked

Bottle warmer - not checked, beg/steal/borrow required

Breast pump - not checked, have a standby one ready (Medala Swing), to be further evaluated

Clothes - checked, checked, checked (I think this one will have many ticks due to Selene's obsession)

Baby name - not checked, aiyoh, this one argue till cows come home

Maid - checked, took a long time to decide, should be coming in a week's time

Hospital admissions - checked, paperwork ready

Pampers - checked, I think we went nuts and bought a carton, and more

Baby wipes - checked, hmm... this is really useful stuff, I'm already using it for various household chores like wiping the floor, cleaning oily hands, wiping bird shit off car, etc. I was just telling Selene that I have to use toilet roll to wipe my face and the baby can use the wipes to wipe his ass!!

Any more comments of what I have missed out? I think we are more or less there liao... ;-)

Oh, and Selene is officially on maternity leave liao, so shock! I think she's going to clear out the whole of crunchyroll, watch-movie, veoh, etc. this period...

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