Selene has been complaining of pains similar to diarrhoea for the whole night but was "non-productive" in the toilet. She also "showed" last night. The whole night she was kept awake with the pain and I had to rub her stomach everytime I woke up in the night.
This morning went to work, and before I started work, Selene called to say she felt the pains coming in frequency of 5 mins. I turned around and headed home again. Called Bishan Woman Specialist on my drive back and Sharon (the clinic nurse) mentioned that the pains similar to diarrhoea is actually contraction pains and told me to admit her to hospital direct instead of going to the clinic. I sped all the way home on CTE (and even sped past a TP!) to pick her up.
The excitment is really building up now that she's admitted and the anaestician had already adminstered the epidural at around 1100h. The nurse examined Selene and confirmed that cervix has already dilated 2cm. Took a few pictures of all the equipment around the delivery suite.
The CTG machine, showing both the fetal heart beat rate and the contraction pressure.

CTG scan shows that contractions are coming about 3 mins apart as of 1150h. Fetal heart beat varies between 120 to 160 bpm.

The top part of the machine controls the flow rate of the isotonic glucose solution. It is set at 20ml/h as shown in this picture. The "best invention" for mothers, the lower machine controls the rate which the epidural is administered, which is set at 8.0ml/h (hard to see reading from the picture).

I'm going to be a father soon by tonight, woohoo!!!

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