Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New milestone today!

Today, little Kaijie has achieved a new milestone: his little umbilical cord stump has finally dropped off! Look at him showing off his navel!

And the little prize...

Anyway, it's been a while, so time for photo updates!

Little Kaijie in his standard "I surrender!" sleeping pose.

Enjoying a leisurely burp by daddy after a good feeding session.

Stealing a glance at daddy.

And mummy too!

Our very first 全家福! Ok lah, but not very well taken since I was trying to position the tripod and the baby not very cooperative. Will try to take again in future.

The sleeping angel.

Also realised today that while reviewing his photos over the last 2 weeks, his facial features are beginning to change. His cheeks are a little less chubby, the forehead is more prominent, facial features are sharper and more defined, complexion is getting less red also. However, dunno why his double eyelids are beginning to disappear also, having hidden eyelids just like both his parents.

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