Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's tough...

It's tough to maintain a blog. I can't believe how freaking difficult it is to find time to blog! Now my computer kenna robbed by someone to do some upgrade so came in to skive...

It's tough to think of a name. I can't believe that 4 months just flew by since the last time Selene and I brought up the issue of a name, and till now, we have not sorted out the name. It so difficult to agree on a name that we both mutually like, or worse still, to even come up with the candidate names.

It's tough to manage work/life balance. The demands of work recently is killing me as work piles up, and at the same time, provide sufficient focus on family to ensure that things are all prep-ed and ready for the baby.

It's tough to prepare for the baby. Issues such as maid, confinement lady, who takes care of the baby after the maternity leave, infant care, etc. etc. are all swirling around in a limbo. Finding a maid is like buying the $8 mil TOTO, either u tio or don't tio. Even mundane things like buying a stroller can turn into big time stress.

Ah, it's tough.

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