After months and months of trying to decide on the stroller/travel system for our little one (Peg Perego, Quinny, and even the Stoke at one stage!), we finally settled today on getting the Graco travel system from Robinsons. Never knew shopping for something was so difficult!! (Hee, since I admit I am quite a shopping queen) ;) But decided to get this since we figured it was not really worth paying that much for something which we were not even sure whether the little one will like!
Just realised that time really passes quite fast.. and I am already approaching 6.5 months, which means we have slightly less than 3 months to get everything figured out! And there seems to be just so many things that have not been settled... and of course.. the biggest problem..which is WHO is going to look after our little astronaut. Somehow... I have this feeling that both our parents seem to be hoping (or hinting either subtlely or explicitly) for us to start a family, but now that we are finally on our way to welcoming another new member, nobody seems to have "volunteered" to retire or to take care of the baby for us. Gee and I are pretty sure we will be getting a maid to solve the problem, but after hearing horror stories from my colleagues and friends, I am really quite apprehensive about having a maid, and especially if I have to leave my precious one alone with her! This is actually top most on my mind now, and I somehow hope things will just work out....
Also, moving into the 3rd trimester, I am starting to feel really bulky and breathless at times! Hah, really hope I am not going to put on much more weight, coz I feel my legs can hardly support my body anymore! But somehow... the "greedy instinct" is still there...heh... so have to practice more self discipline!
Anyway, am able to have time to blog this, because my lovely husband has voluntarily cleaned the house, without me having to "remind" aka nag him about it. Actually, I find this is one of the perks of being pregnant! (Hope he doesn't read this portion) Anyway, thanks dear for making an effort to do all the house work during this period... dont think I want to promise that I will "pay you back", but will definitely make it up in other ways ok? ;)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Great Singapore Sale.... Third Trimester.. here we come!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Latest scan and (secret) Bangkok trip
Was on half day leave today as Selene had a gynae appointment. This time round gynae was commenting on the "beautiful" nose of the baby. Oh, and Selene said the baby seems to keep on munching on X, whatever X is.
Just somehow realised that gynaes must have the world's most boring jobs. Can you imagine that your job revolves either looking at black and white blobs and making sense out of the mess, or staring at the Great South? I clearly remember one of my frens telling me how he almost lost his libido while attached to gynaecology during his houseman many years back.
Managed to get back home a little earlier than usual today so managed to dig out the camera to download the pics of the (secret) Bangkok trip. I think both our parents will probably kill us if they knew that we flew over (and back) secretly!
Some random pics from the trip:The new Bangkok airport (what's the name again??). My first time coming to Bangkok since the opening of the new airport. It has a very industrial look. You can see Selene peeping at me in the foreground.
Very new (and very nice!) hotel, Courtyard by Marriott. It was just opened in Jan 08, so the whole place is very new. The room is very big and comfortable. Just don't stay with 2 guys coz the toilet walls are glass and (strangely), the curtains are from the outside so the guy bathing inside cannot control the guy with peeping instinct outside.
This is taken at one of the dinners that we had at Bella Napoli Pizzeria at Sukhumvit Soi 31 (recommended by one of my frens). They serve good (and special) pasta and the pizza is big! We had more than enough with just 1 pasta and pizza. I was wondering while eating how the other table across us finished their dinner with 1 more calamari order than us...
Bangkok has changed so much since our last visit (a few years back). Now all of the BTS are connected via elevated walkways just below the BTS lines. They have many modern shopping centres as well. The newest one that we saw was the Siam@Paragon (shown above, just outside of it).
We had our last day dinner at Fuji, one of the most popular (and cheap) Jap restaurant chains in Bangkok which can be found in many places. We had our dinner at the MBK branch. The last time when we were here with Alvin and Serena, we ordered so much (becoz Alvin kept saying "cheep cheep cheep!!") that all the orders filled the entire table (and more, and they had to wait for us to finish some food before they could serve the rest). The quality of the food is ok (as long as you don't expect top-notch for the price).
Last photo of the day: Selene caught red-handed stealing my money.
Ok, seriously, I have no idea what she was doing (and what I was doing actually) when this photo is taken. Just take it as a random photo blog.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
2 kg in 3 days!
Strangely enough, seems like Papa Gee and Mummy Selene suddenly found the energy to update our little one's blog again! Have been telling myself that I should be updating it since it's coming to a month since I last wrote something, but somehow have been putting it off. And coincidentally, when I decided to log in tonight, realise that Papa Gee has beaten me to it. ;)
In fact, we have just returned from our short trip to Bangkok. Had a 4 days 3 night trip to BKK last weekend. This trip was a little different from our previous trips, in that we didn't really have a specific plan of what we wanted to do. And in fact, before we left, I was kinda worried that it would fall short of Papa Gee's expectations, since shopping is really not his cup of tea.
But surprisingly, I think we kinda enjoyed the whole holiday. Basically it was just relaxing taking our time walking around, eating, watching movie, eating, shopping, and did I mention EATING again? ;) Hah... and this probably explains why the blog is titled this way... yes.. I actually put on 2 kg in that short holiday! Amazing. Was actually hoping that it was all water retention...but no matter how hard I pee -ed... heee.. the weight just wouldn't come off. So looks like it is here to stay. Now just keeping my fingers crossed that my gynae won't scold me when I go for my check up next Monday!
And oh.. about my "loot"... am guilty to say that I got myself 5 pieces of clothings, but none for the little one.. somehow couldn't seem to find many for newborns, and was stopped by Papa Gee when I tried to be overly ambitious and buy the super big ones... but then's clothes are so cute...HOW TO RESIST. ;)
Ultrasound pics and random blabber
It's been a long time since Selene and I have been talking abt scanning in the ultrasound pics and archiving them. Just managed to dig out the scans just now. Aiyoh, found out that the pics actually have no dates one! So terok, so don't really know the rest of the stack which dates they really are. Also, realised that when you are doing the scan at the gynae, everything looked logical and clear. But now looking back at those pics, can't make head and tail out of the mass of black and white blobs.
Since I can only make something intelligible out the latest scan (28 Apr 08 for the FA scan, not to mention that I probably have no idea when the rest are done), I picked out only 2 of them to scan them into the computer.

Well, another thing that has been bugging me is the name of our little astronaut. Yes, the boy-with-no-name-for-now has inherited various names such as Kenji, Ethan, 黄黎, 黄色,黄瓜,黄金 and any other 黄X that you can think of. Sigh, realised that it's so difficult to think of a good name!
And poor Selene also has so much water retention these days that her leg is turning into "pig's leg". She can't stand for long and the legs are overly swollen and very "meaty". We have tried massaging and drinking lots of fluid (as recommended by different websites) but the problem keeps coming back. She also has all the lower back pains with the growing stomach. Hopefully things will get better in the days to come.